Affordable Housing is a complex problem stemming from multiple issues, so no solution will fix everything. Many ideas and solutions must be implemented. Share yours.
VIEW ALL IDEASPhilanthropic tourism or travel is defined as “a journey that offers an opportunity for travelers to engage with, learn from and be a partner to...
This may seem obvious, but working together with extended family is another way you can afford a home. Here in Hawaii, it’s often the norm to have...
Sometimes, finding affordable housing means thinking outside the box. One idea that can help local families continue residing in Hawaii is to take...
The perception is that Hawai’i homes are often scooped up by out-of-state buyers with cash and used only as vacation rentals to supplement income....
For families that are struggling, an old bill (like SB 2150) that provides an additional stipend per month for housing can make a huge difference....
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